Repairs and Spare parts

Service centers for Dynaudio Pro - USA and CANADA

Contact details for Dynaudio Pro Service centers in North America.

You can get in touch with our service centers for ordering spare parts or for having a defective amplifier serviced.

If you are not sure about a fault, we suggest that you contact Dynaudio Support first in order to get help troubleshooting your units. 



T&R Electronics

DYNAUDIO Support Center

10444 White Horse Lake Drive

Parks, AZ 86018

(805) 794 7130


Thermal Relief Design

3395 West Cheyenne Ave Suite 105

North Las Vegas, NV 89032

Phone: 702-395-7005

Fax: 702-648-7895



Yorkville Sound - Canada
550 Granite Court
Pickering, Ontario
Canada L1W 3Y8
Phone (905) 837-8481
Fax (905) 839-5776