Dynaudio CI | installation tips

Studio: Should I build a backbox?

Should I build a backbox?

We recommend that the back boxes for the Studio range is done by the drywaller in the preconstruction phase. This has several advantages; It can be done with a nice finish and without breaking any fire barriers. By building it from drywall (maybe even double layer), it is also assured that you have minimum sound transmission into adjacent rooms as well as optimum working conditions for the speakers. Finally, in the preconstruction phase stud positions can be re-arranged if needed for optimum speaker placement.

The back box requirements for the Studio Series speakers is minimum 22 Litres (0.8 cu.ft.) per speaker in order to reach their full audio performance potential. For the S4-LCRMT volume is not critical (can do with a space behind the speaker) but each S4-LCR65W needs a minimum sized backbox. If two 65Ws are placed next to each other, they can share the backbox but it needs to be double in size.