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Dynaudio Home Audio/Custom Install
Dynaudio Professional


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Dynaudio Car Audio
  • Für Informationen zum Dynaudio Car / Automotive Business kontaktieren Sie bitte Eike Peter Frost, Director, Business Development Automotive.  
  • Für Informationen oder Anfragen zu Dynaudio Car OEM Systemen und 
  • Car Aftermarket Produkten kontaktieren Sie bitte Enzo Yan, Product Manager. E-mail.

Dynaudio Magazine

Das Dynaudio Magazine ist unser Universum für Artikel, Videos und Podcasts rund um Klang und Musik. Es deckt alles ab, von Lautsprechern und Technologie bis hin zu außergewöhnlichen Menschen sowie unseren besten Tipps und Tricks.

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What kind of subwoofer should I choose? Sealed or ported?

What kind of subwoofer should I choose? Sealed or ported?

On this episode Ask The Expert, we're discussing subwoofer design, and the pros and cons of sealed-box versus ported designs in the world of low end d...

Where should I place the centre speaker?

Where should I place the centre speaker?

On this episode of Ask The Expert, we're going to talk about speaker placement in surround setups, specifically when used with a television.

Designing Confidence 20

On this episode of Ask The Expert, we'll be answering some questions about the design of Confidence 20, including its rather unique bass port design, ...