High-end audio on the road - choosing the sound for your car

On this episode of Ask the Expert, automotive audio sound tuner Mikael Ankersen discusses high-end audio on four wheels and – as you might expect – Dynaudio premium sound systems specifically.


On this episode of Ask the Expert, Mikael Ankersen gives you an introduction to the Dynaudio automotive audio universe. So, if you're a fan of high-end audio on four wheels, buckle up!

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What are the benefits of having a Dynaudio sound system in my car?

When you choose a car with a premium Dynaudio system, what you get is a very high quality of hardware in terms of speaker units, amplifiers, as well as the integration in the car, and a sound tuning that is done by human beings over an extended amount of time.

Achieving high quality results in a car is first and firmost dependent on good quality hardware, meaning classic Dynaudio speaker technology, an amplifier that has enough power in terms of wattage, and a high degree of DSP power. Also important is a careful installation of these speaker units in the car – the positioning of them is important, but also  the way they are built into the car, and the mechanical strength of the interior of the car is important too.

Perhaps the most important thing though is the human touch in the sound tuning aspect. Apart from doing measurements in the car, we also do a lot of listening from different positions in the car, and in that way, we put ourselves at the centre of the sound tuning.

I personally spend a lot of time in my car, and I listen to music in the car more than I do at home – it's a good place to listen to music. But when you're listening to an audio system in a car one of the very important things is the absence of listening fatigue, i.e. that hat you are able to listen to the system for a long, long time.

Another important thing is the foundation, i.e the bass in the music, which should be there at low listening levels, but also when you are listening at loud levels.

And finally, another thing that is really important for us at Dynaudio is the fact that the sound is authentic and natural, and that it's about the music and not the system – that the system really presents the music the way it was recorded, and as the artist intended.


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