Confidence 60 - Audionet

Audionet got their hands on Confidence 60 and gave it a glowing review.

You can read the whole thing via the Source button below  (with the help of your browser's translator tool if you're not proficient in Mandarin Chinese.)

就造型上,New Confidence 60的設計同樣居家美觀,線條感更柔,這點完全符合他們家這幾年極力打進居家市場的作法。但這對喇叭真正讓我驚奇的是,它可以在前一代已如此成熟的狀態下,再次挑戰自己,奠定出不善於滿足現狀的高標準。New Confidence 60由頭到腳都具可看性,外型經典依舊,內容的含金量卻是誠意滿載,是原廠心目中,目前最接近完美狀態的Confidence完成體。
What truly amazed me about the Confidence 60 speakers is Dynaudio's ability to challenge themselves once again, despite the previous generation already having set an impossibly high standard. This model is the epitome of the Confidence series in the eyes of the manufacturer and currently the closest thing to perfection.

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