Audio Esoterica reviews Contour 30
Scott Campbell reviews the Contour 30 in the new issue of Audio Esoterica. The Contour 30 has made customs and entered the ‘land down under.' Here, it has managed to impress reviewer Scott Campbell and fool two surprising, but nonetheless, Hi-Fi accustomed reviewers: his pooches…
Yes, in this well-written and lighthearted review, Campbell’s two canines make a guest appearance alongside his own well-adjusted hearing. Fortunately, the guest reviewers seem to agree with Scott Campbell’s judgment of the speakers (although we aren’t quite sure what goes for good speakers in the canine world):
- “a simply ‘correct’ balance that brings about the temporary suspension of disbelief and fools the senses into believing the listener is right there with the performer.”
- “Despite this, the Contour 30s manage the the illusion of being much larger speakers than they actually are. This is most noticeable on big orchestral tracks, where the sense of scale is portrayed very convincingly. These are not a “front row of the theatre” speaker. These place you well back in the listening environment, where you can recline and appreciate the actual size of the performance.”
- “These speakers can really boogie and show very little signs of stress, even at higher volume levels.”
- “What about those dogs? Well, as stated, our dogs were once easily fooled by hi-fi into believing there were animals or loud people in the house, but, as years passed, it was very rare for either animal to take any notice at all. So every once in a while, when a particular component (usually speakers) make them sit up and take notice, it’s like a litmus test for realism.”
Above, we have selected a handful of our favorite quotes from the review, but if you want more, you can download the entire Audio Esoterica Review right here.
... want more to read?
Want to read more reviews of the Contour 30? No problem, here's what Fidelity said in their Contour 30 review.