Emit 20 - fairaudio

Fairaudio's Michael Bruss gives his take on Emit 20, offering up a positive sound bite or two along the way.  The full review can be read (auf Deutsch or using your browser's translator tool) via the Source button below.

„Die Dynaudio Emit 20 klingen ganz und gar nicht nach Einstiegsklasse.“
"The Dynaudio Emit 20s don't sound anything at all like entry-level speakers."

„Die Dynaudio Emit 20 kommen in der Summe ihrer Qualitäten recht nah an ihre teureren Geschwister aus der Evoke-Linie heran (…)“
"By the sum of their qualities, the Dynaudio Emit 20s get pretty close to their more expensive siblings from the Evoke series (…)"

„Selten habe ich so lange zufrieden Musik gehört und goutiert, ohne mich an irgendeiner Ecke oder Kante zu stören.“
"Rarely have I happily listened to and appreciated music for such a long stretch of time, without having been disturbed by something or the other."
