Confidence 30 - hifi & records
Long-time hi-fi experts Wilfried Kress and Chief Editor Olaf Sturm reviews the Dynaudio Confidence 30 for the leading hi-fi magazine hifi & records. The two seasoned reviewers put the speakers through thorough testing and find delight in the results. We've translated our favourite quotes.
"How can the average listener appreciate the lack of any emphasis in the bass or treble? How to appreciate that a truthful tonality is much better for gratifying listening? The answer is: With time. The longer I listen to this beautifully finished speakers, the more I realise their enormous capabilities, independent of the record played."
"For example with 'Got To Get Moving' by Hans Theessink there are some new un-heard details. More interesting though is the fact that even the better known parts of this song seem better aligned. Additionally there’s a fascinating resolution of the finest details which give the whole composition of this song more inner tension. I’ve never heard it like that before, and after this experience I never want to miss it again."
"'You Are Too Beautiful' is full of emotion and it’s absolutely impressive how Sonny Rollin’s saxophone is reproduced without even the slightest exaggeration or overemphasis - and that’s typically Dynaudio."
"Fascinatingly playful is how the Confidence 30 performs Donald Fagen. The speaker follows the demanding beat with a lightness and sophistication which I surely don’t experience every day."
"Dynaudio once published 'The Book Of Truth' and it’s quite an achievement how the chapter 'truthful loudspeaker' is continued in such a straight way. While design is always a matter of taste, there can’t be two opinions about this speaker’s cabinet quality, driver technology, and the resulting sound performance. Dynaudio knows how to create loudspeakers."