The Updated Contour Audio Crossover

An audio crossover is a filter that divides frequencies and sends them to the right driver in the sound system: the high-frequencies go to the tweeter, and the low-frequencies or midrange to the mid-woofer. High frequencies come from instruments like cymbals, piccolos, and flutes.

Dynaudio Contour 20i_Crossover_1200x628px



Audio Crossover Design

(Yes, it's difficult to see, but if you click on the crossover above, you'll start the video.)

The rest comes from bass, drum sets, guitars etc. and goes to the low or mid-low woofer. The crossover’s job is to divide these

A loudspeaker with two excellent drivers and a badly designed crossover would still be an average sounding speaker. It would have some qualities to it because of the drivers, but it wouldn’t live up to its full potential.

Similarly, if two average drivers were to be paired with an excellent crossover, you would get more out of it, but the setup would still be an average sounding speaker. The real magic happens when you combine a well-designed crossover with excellent drivers!

That’s why the redesigned Contour loudspeaker system, in addition to the crossover, has been matched with updated drivers, an updated front baffle (still in solid metal as you’re used to with the Contour), and an updated curved cabinet.

The driver must match the crossover.



Every electronic component matters

The music signals cross electronic components in the crossover design, such as capacitors, inductors and resistors, so these components should be of very high quality, as every component deteriorates the signal. 

To avoid any deterioration when the signal arrives at the tweeters, we use Mundorf components which are well known in the audiophile world.

Give the updated Contour and its redesigned crossover a listen. Find a dealer near you.



Dynaudio Magazine

Dynaudio Magazine is our universe of sound and music-related articles, videos, and podcasts, covering everything from loudspeakers and technology to extraordinary people, and our very best tips and tricks.


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