Contour 30 - Hi-Fi Choice

Ed Selley tested the combination of Contour 30 and an amplifier setup by NAD in all its facets. With the beautiful caption “Leading the way”, the review pays tribute to the speakers’ functionality, minimalist design, outstanding sound performance and Dynaudio’s forward-thinking.

“Dynaudio isn’t a ‘me too’ sort of company, its solutions are frequently different to those seen anywhere else and have come about for very good reasons.”

“There is also a sense when you unbox and install the Contour that the company’s professional heritage is never far from the surface”

“if required to do a 10-year stint as a pro monitor, it’d be more than able to get the job done.”

Check out their magazine and get inspired!

Want to check out the Contour 30 high-end loudspeaker?

"This setup can do things that I have heard considerably more expensive equipment fail to achieve.”

- Ed Selley
